A garden’s flowerbeds are its most eye-catching feature. And there are various flowers for the garden that you can plant to give it an artistic taste. However, the way you develop and maintain your garden matters a lot like a gardener.
However, it is a good idea if you would love to have a flower bed garden and an organic plant together in the same garden. Companion planting helps the plant be healthy, happy, and more vital, which is one of the reasons to buy organic foods because they are healthy for both you and your flowers. The following are ways you can combine flowerbed and organic plants.
1.Site selection
It’s vital to select a good spot where your flowerbed will be visible from the street or a neighbor’s yard, not hidden in the background; then, your organic plant can stay in between them or behind them. Seasonal flowers thrive in full sun, so find the brightest spot in your garden and plant them there, and since the organic plant does not require sun, spotting a space with lower sunlight will be great. In addition, the placement of flower beds next to or between organic plants enhances their aesthetic appeal.
In general, deep, well-drained, and well-cultivated soil that is not acidic is best for flowering beds and organic plants. When the soil is not wet for your flowerbed, you should work up a depth of 30 cm bed before planting.
However, you need to prepare the soil the right way for your new organic garden to get the best results. Make sure your vegetables get plenty of fresh nutrients because both you and plants need to eat. Solid and productive plants are built on healthy soil. Chemical soil treatments can harm beneficial bacteria, worms, and other soil microbes and seep into your food.
You need to water lightly once a day for about a week. The correct method is to wet the bed in the following days, then weed and hoe it. Then, the soil should get dried before being watered again in the future.
Watering your organic plants in the morning is a good thing you need to do. Why? Because mornings are more relaxed and have fewer winds, less water evaporates. If you water in the evening, the plants will be more vulnerable to fungal and bacterial diseases the next day because they will be damp all night.
Ideally, water the roots rather than the foliage, which can be easily damaged. You can use a drip or soak system or water the plants’ roots by hand.
The Fertilizers should be in liquid form, whether chemical (NPK) or organic (Cow dung manure). You need to avoid Nitrogen fertilizers during the flowering stage. Flowers and the organic plant should not be exposed to the fertilizer mixture.
5.Protecting your plants without pesticide
Ensuring that your plants get enough light, nutrients, and moisture should be your first step in protecting them from pests without using pesticides. If pests are attacking your garden, it could be a sign of other issues. Also, keep in mind that a diverse garden reduces the amount of one type of plant available to pests, which helps keep them at bay.
It would help if you had domestic animals in your garden, like frogs, toads, lizards, birds, and even bats, to help keep your garden healthy. Ladybugs, in particular, can be your best friends because they are beneficial insects. Many nurseries even sell them in cans, even though there’s a good chance they won’t last. Put out a small amount of water to entice helpful predators. Plants with small blossoms like sweet alyssum and dill attract predatory insects and are an excellent idea to grow. Row covers and nets are other options.